
这是一篇翻新的旧文,关于 Linux 内核中各种各样的内存信息。本文打算使用「自顶向下」的方式去描述,也就是从简单的工具来展开这个话题。如果是自底向上,那关于内存的话题可能永远说不完了


我们关心常用的工具:比如 free / top / meminfo


最简单的莫过于 free,它提供的信息基本就是 top 上内存相关的信息

caturra@LAPTOP-RU7SB7FE:~$ free -tl
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:       16642364     8006296     8406716       17720      229352     8502336
Low:       16642364     8235648     8406716
High:             0           0           0
Swap:      26214396      175388    26039008
Total:     42856760     8181684    34445724


上面提到,top 的信息基本来自 free

但是仍有一个特别的地方——就是 %MEM,字面意思是一个内存的占比



公司里的 dump 信息全靠 meminfo。虽然 meminfo 有 2 套工具,但是看 proc 文件系统下的就足够了(/proc/meminfo


MemTotal:       16642364 kB
MemFree:         7243752 kB
Buffers:           34032 kB
Cached:           188576 kB
SwapCached:            0 kB
Active:           167556 kB
Inactive:         157876 kB
Active(anon):     103104 kB
Inactive(anon):    17440 kB
Active(file):      64452 kB
Inactive(file):   140436 kB
Unevictable:           0 kB
Mlocked:               0 kB
SwapTotal:      26214396 kB
SwapFree:       26043332 kB
Dirty:                 0 kB
Writeback:             0 kB
AnonPages:        102824 kB
Mapped:            71404 kB
Shmem:             17720 kB
Slab:              13868 kB
SReclaimable:       6744 kB
SUnreclaim:         7124 kB
KernelStack:        2848 kB
PageTables:         2524 kB
NFS_Unstable:          0 kB
Bounce:                0 kB
WritebackTmp:          0 kB
CommitLimit:      515524 kB
Committed_AS:    3450064 kB
VmallocTotal:     122880 kB
VmallocUsed:       21296 kB
VmallocChunk:      66044 kB
HardwareCorrupted:     0 kB
AnonHugePages:      2048 kB
HugePages_Total:       0
HugePages_Free:        0
HugePages_Rsvd:        0
HugePages_Surp:        0
Hugepagesize:       2048 kB
DirectMap4k:       12280 kB
DirectMap4M:      897024 kB

这些内存类型非常的多,有些字面上比较含糊,比如 BuffersCachedMemFreeMemAvailable


注:/proc/meminfo 在不同的 linux 内核版本下有较大变化

解读 top-%MEM


man top 能找到这一句话:

%MEM - simply RES divided by total physical memory

total physical memory 是很好理解的。但是 RES 是什么?再往下看:

RES  - anything occupying physical memory


    RES  - anything occupying physical memory which, beginning with
            Linux-4.5, is the sum of the following three fields:
            RSan - quadrant 1 pages, which include any
                former quadrant 3 pages if modified
            RSfd - quadrant 3 and quadrant 4 pages
            RSsh - quadrant 2 pages


       For each such process, every memory page is restricted to a single quadrant from the table below.  Both physi‐
       cal  memory  and  virtual memory can include any of the four, while the swap file only includes #1 through #3.
       The memory in quadrant #4, when modified, acts as its own dedicated swap file.

                                     Private | Shared
                                 1           |          2
            Anonymous  . stack               |
                       . malloc()            |
                       . brk()/sbrk()        | . POSIX shm*
                       . mmap(PRIVATE, ANON) | . mmap(SHARED, ANON)
                       . mmap(PRIVATE, fd)   | . mmap(SHARED, fd)
          File-backed  . pgms/shared libs    |
                                 3           |          4

        2. %MEM  --  Memory Usage (RES)
           A task's currently resident share of available physical memory.
           See `OVERVIEW, Linux Memory Types' for additional details.


       23. RSan  --  Resident Anonymous Memory Size (KiB)
           A subset of resident memory (RES) representing private pages not mapped to a file.

       24. RSfd  --  Resident File-Backed Memory Size (KiB)
           A  subset  of resident memory (RES) representing the implicitly shared pages supporting program images and
           shared libraries.  It also includes explicit file mappings, both private and shared.

       25. RSlk  --  Resident Locked Memory Size (KiB)
           A subset of resident memory (RES) which cannot be swapped out.

       26. RSsh  --  Resident Shared Memory Size (KiB)
           A subset of resident memory (RES) representing the explicitly shared anonymous shm*/mmap pages.

注:man 文档对 %MEM 的解释有些矛盾,一个是 RES 占比 total physical,另一个是 RES 占比 available physical,这是两个不同的概念(available 很特殊) 。有疑问不如看看源码是拿什么做除法的,但我相信是第一种说法,因为第二种没意义啊

原来 RES = resident share of available physical memory,字面意思就是可用物理内存的驻留份额

简单点的理解就是 RES 会实际地占据物理内存

按照四象限划分(是否共享和是否映射)的方式来看,RES = RSan + RSfd + RSsh。其中:

  • RSan:尚未映射到文件的私有页面,即所有的私有匿名映射页加上脏的非共享文件页
  • RSfd:隐式共享页面,即文件页
  • RSsh:共享匿名页面


注:在 top 的源码里,其 RES 是从 /proc/pid/statm 中直接获取的(不必再翻源码了,并不好读,关键就这一句话)

我们进一步来看下 proc 是怎么跑的

// 文件:/fs/proc/array.c
int proc_pid_statm(struct seq_file *m, struct pid_namespace *ns,
            struct pid *pid, struct task_struct *task)
    unsigned long size = 0, resident = 0, shared = 0, text = 0, data = 0;
    struct mm_struct *mm = get_task_mm(task);
    if (mm) {
        size = task_statm(mm, &shared, &text, &data, &resident);
     * For quick read, open code by putting numbers directly
     * expected format is
     * seq_printf(m, "%lu %lu %lu %lu 0 %lu 0\n",
     *               size, resident, shared, text, data);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, "", size);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", resident);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", shared);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", text);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", 0);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", data);
    seq_put_decimal_ull(m, " ", 0);
    seq_putc(m, '\n');
    return 0;

// 文件:/fs/proc/task_mmu.c
unsigned long task_statm(struct mm_struct *mm,
             unsigned long *shared, unsigned long *text,
             unsigned long *data, unsigned long *resident)
    *shared = get_mm_counter(mm, MM_FILEPAGES) +
            get_mm_counter(mm, MM_SHMEMPAGES);
    *text = (PAGE_ALIGN(mm->end_code) - (mm->start_code & PAGE_MASK))
                                >> PAGE_SHIFT;
    *data = mm->data_vm + mm->stack_vm;
    *resident = *shared + get_mm_counter(mm, MM_ANONPAGES);
    return mm->total_vm;

// 文件:/include/linux/mm_types_task.h
enum {
    MM_FILEPAGES,   /* Resident file mapping pages */
    MM_ANONPAGES,   /* Resident anonymous pages */
    MM_SWAPENTS,    /* Anonymous swap entries */
    MM_SHMEMPAGES,  /* Resident shared memory pages */


注:关于 overreport 问题,由于 RES/RSS 有部分是直接拿取共享的内存(比如多个进程公用的共享库占用会重复计算),因此所有进程的 RES 总和是可以超过 MemTotal 的


那么这三个值 FILE | SHEMEM | ANON 又是怎么算出来的?

其实 statm 太隐晦了,不如看/proc/pid/status


VmRSS:               956 kB
RssAnon:             480 kB
RssFile:             476 kB
RssShmem:              0 kB


而 kernel 的这些信息都来自于 get_mm_counter(member),当 page 归入到某个 mm 时,根据 PF(page flags)来实现统计

这也侧面反映了一个内存分类复杂的原因,就是 PF 种类实在是太多啦

解读 free

man 出发可以看到如下描述

       free displays the total amount of free and used physical and swap memory in the system, as well as the buffers
       and caches used by the kernel. The information is gathered by parsing  /proc/meminfo.  The  displayed  columns

       total  Total installed memory (MemTotal and SwapTotal in /proc/meminfo)

       used   Used memory (calculated as total - free - buffers - cache)

       free   Unused memory (MemFree and SwapFree in /proc/meminfo)

       shared Memory used (mostly) by tmpfs (Shmem in /proc/meminfo)

              Memory used by kernel buffers (Buffers in /proc/meminfo)

       cache  Memory used by the page cache and slabs (Cached and SReclaimable in /proc/meminfo)

              Sum of buffers and cache

              Estimation  of how much memory is available for starting new applications, without swapping. Unlike the
              data provided by the cache or free fields, this field takes into account page cache and also  that  not
              all  reclaimable  memory  slabs will be reclaimed due to items being in use (MemAvailable in /proc/mem‐
              info, available on kernels 3.14, emulated on kernels 2.6.27+, otherwise the same as free)

可以知道,它的值也是从 meminfo 拿到手并作进一步整理的


  • 所有的值讨论的都是物理内存,而不是只分配不映射的虚拟内存
  • 具有简单映射关系的值有 total / free / shared / buffers
    • total 对应于 MemTotal + SwapTotal
    • free 对应于 MemFree + SwapFree
    • shared 对应于 Shmem
    • buffers 对应于 Buffers
  • cache 包含 page cache 和 slab 对象,是 CachedSReclaimable 的映射
  • used 就是所剩余的值,即 total - free - shared - buffers - cache
  • available 是一个估算出来的可用内存值
    • 为什么不用 free 作为可用值?因为无关紧要的 cache 可以回收
    • 为什么不用 free + cache 作为可用值?因为不是所有的 cache 都能回收
    • 为什么要估算?不能准确计算吗?因为内存的类型很复杂
    • 它还揭露了一个复杂的问题:reclaimable 并不是真的全部都可以 reclaimable

free 映射到 meminfo 的表如下所示:

free 域 meminfo 域 说明
total MemTotal + SwapTotal  
used ~ used 指 total 减去 (free+shared+buffers+cache)
free MemFree + SwapFree  
shared Shmem 虽然作者说是大多来自 Shmem,但其实代码上(还有这里)就是只算 Shmem
buffers Buffers 作者的解释是 kernel buffer,其实这是很含糊的,具体来说是块设备的 page cache
cache Cached + SReclaimable Cached 作为 page cache 大小,但是 SReclaimable 并不是 slab 全部
buff/cache Buffers + Cached + SReclaimable 就是一个 buffers+cache 的总和
available MemAvaliable 这是一个用算法得到的估算值

注:man 手册中并没有说到 lo 和 hi,其实这个是 HIGHMEM 模型的问题,已经是过去的历史了

注:在过去的版本中,used 虽然是个具体值,但并没有过多参考价值。因此在新版本的实现中,改为估算值 used = total - available

总结:free 来自 meminfo,想要知道本质,就解读 meminfo

解读 meminfo

从上面可以知道 meminfo 相当复杂,我们可以从 man proc 文档中得到一些启发(非常非常长的文档)

这里做个简单的总结(userspace 多是关心上半侧的类型):

内存类型 简化换算 其它备注
MemTotal physical - .text total 并不是全部,需要抠掉一些 kernel 代码段的大小
MemFree lowFree + HighFree HighFree 基本就是 0 的意思
MemAvailable MemFree - (low reserved + high watermark) + pagecache + slab 一个简单的估算方式是 所有 zone 的 free 减去 low reserved 和 high watermark 加上 可回收的 page cache 和 slab 这里的可回收是个估算值,可能直接取总数的 1/2
Buffers foreach bdev: ret += bdev->bd_inode->i_mapping->nr_pages 用于块设备的 page cache 如果是文件系统操作则应对应于 metadata,如 inode,superblock 否则要算上直接读写 bdev 的 mapping(本质就是 bdev)
Cached page cache, in-memory files only in-memory 引起的 page cache 因此需要排除 SwapCached 和 Buffers 可以认为代表文件映射的内存和 tmpfs(shmem)映射(因为也是 file-backed)的内存
SwapCached   曾经换出,然后换入回来的内存,但是仍存在于 swap 文件 这是用于节省 IO 的,当已经换回来后,如果再次缺少内存,那就直接舍去这一部分,而不是换出回 swap 文件,从而节省 IO
Active   LRU 中标记 active,一般不 reclaim,但后续降级也有可能回收
Inactive   LRU 中标记 inactive,很可能 reclaim
HighTotal, HighFree   ~
LowTotal, LowFree   ~
SwapTotal   ~
SwapFree   已经被换出的内存,临时存储在 disk
Dirty   标记为 dirty 的内存,仍未写回
Writeback   正在写回的内存
AnonPages   映射到 userspace 页表的无后备文件的内存
HardwareCorrupted   ~
AnonHugePages   透明大页相关
Mapped   已经被映射的文件
Shmem Shmem + tmpfs + mmap mmap 中的共享匿名的实现方式就是套用的 shmem 核心代码
ShmemHugePages   ~
ShmemPmdMapped   ~
KReclaimable SReclaimable + …direct allocations kernel 分配出来的,但可被 reclaim 的内存
Slab   ~
SReclaimable part of Slab Slab 的一部分,允许 reclaim
SUnreclaim part of Slab Slab 的一部分,不允许 reclaim
PageTables   ~
VmallocTotal vmalloc()  
VmallocUsed used vmalloc()  
VmallocChunk largest contiguous and free vmalloc()  

注:关于 MemAvailable 的计算可以参考这里:RTFSC/MemAvailable统计

注:附上一个影响 Buffers 统计的调用栈,从文件页逻辑块到扇区的过程中缓存的 pagecache 会被算上

另外我也写了一个 meminfo parser 来解析这些参数:

Caturra000/meminfo-parser (github.com)

Snippets/memory at 0450906bd74c · Caturra000/Snippets (github.com)

你可以通过这个小工具来实测一些 demo,从而理解这些内存类型

当然我也写了些简单的测试,比如用不同的方式对文件分别读写 100MB

注:其实内核也提供 sysinfo 的方式来获取 meminfo部分参数,只是它能得到的信息比较有限

read/write 实测如下:

meminfo read write read-blk write-blk
MemFree -100MB -100MB -200MB -200MB
Buffers     +100MB +100MB
Cached +100MB +100MB +100MB +100MB
Inactive(file) +100MB +100MB +200MB +200MB
Dirty   +100MB   +100MB
*blk = block device,通过 `losetup` 模拟块设备

mmap 实测如下:

meminfo PA-read PA-write PF-read PF-write SA-read SA-write SF-read SF-write
MemFree   -100MB -100MB -200MB -100MB -100MB -145MB -100MB
MemAvailable   -100MB   -100MB -100MB -100MB    
Cached     +100MB +100MB +100MB +100MB +135MB +100MB
Inactive(anon)   +100MB   +100MB +100MB +100MB    
Inactive(file)     +100MB +100MB     +135MB +100MB
AnonPages   +100MB   +100MB        
AnonHugePages   +100MB            
Dirty               +100MB
Mapped     +100MB   +100MB +100MB +120MB +100MB
Shmem         +100MB +100MB    
*P = private
*S = shared
*A = anon
*F = file


不同的 kernel 版本下可能有不同表现。比如在 5.4 的内核版本下,私有匿名的 mmap 写文件的可能直接进入 Active(anon)

因此还是建议按下图 mm/workingset.c 来理解 Inactive 和 Active 之间的关系,而不是一些特定内核版本的表现

 *      Double CLOCK lists
 * Per node, two clock lists are maintained for file pages: the
 * inactive and the active list.  Freshly faulted pages start out at
 * the head of the inactive list and page reclaim scans pages from the
 * tail.  Pages that are accessed multiple times on the inactive list
 * are promoted to the active list, to protect them from reclaim,
 * whereas active pages are demoted to the inactive list when the
 * active list grows too big.
 *   fault ------------------------+
 *                                 |
 *              +--------------+   |            +-------------+
 *   reclaim <- |   inactive   | <-+-- demotion |    active   | <--+
 *              +--------------+                +-------------+    |
 *                     |                                           |
 *                     +-------------- promotion ------------------+