Home 实现标准库 unified executors [C++20 低配复刻版]

实现标准库 unified executors [C++20 低配复刻版]


仓库地址:Legcay Executors


东西不多,参考的是 P0443R9,不是 P2300 这种复杂的库


  • 实现 require/query 的非侵入定制点
  • 以及 lightweight executorapplicable property 的交互
  • 对持有相同 propertyexecutor 做类型抹除以支持多态的 polymorphic executor
  • (其实还有一个赠品线程池,因为提案写了)

对于 executorproperty,库内已集成:

property 描述
directionality 表示 executor 是否有向,比如是不考虑返回的 oneway,或者是需要返回的 twoway,或者 continuation 风格的 then
blocking 表示一个任务的执行是否会阻塞执行流,never 会保证当前执行流不会阻塞,但有最高的线程(安全)开销,always 相反,possibly 折中
mapping 任务与 execution agent 的映射关系,比如是使用 per-thread,还是复用 thread,还是 inline,还是 coroutine
outstanding_work 维护当前的执行上下文(execution context),可用于阻止提前退出,避免退出再次提交任务后不必的恢复开销
relationship 如果明确一个任务的提交已经是在 execution context 内部再次提交,可以用 continuation 标记

相比提案,我砍掉了萃取的支持。因为到了 C++20 之后,有不少接口是可以直接用 requires-expression 来完成



现在手上有 10 个左右的示例:

  • hello_world(3):实现 inline executor、使用内置线程池,以及类 asio 的任务提交方式
  • custom_executor: 使用自定义 property 定制一个具有任务优先级的线程池
  • polymorphic: 实现多态下的通用 executor
  • leader_followers:实现 leader/followers pattern
  • future:使用 twoway_executor 实现 promise/future异步模型
  • future_then: 使用 then_executor 实现 promise/future 且符合 then continuation 模式
  • stackful_coroutine:使用 co_executor 实现 有栈协程
  • actor: 定制一个 actor 通信框架
  • pipeline(2): 定制一个 pipeline 模式,并封装为 stream 风格

可以通过了解示例,来理解 executor 到底是什么,如何应用各种同步/异步编程模式

也可以通过这些示例,尝试把 unified executors 适配到任意一个第三方项目

示例 1:hello world!

你可以简单的定制一个 inline executor,表示立刻在当前的上下文执行

#include <concepts>
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"

using Blocking = bsio::execution::Blocking;
constexpr auto blocking = bsio::execution::blocking;

struct Inline_executor {
    void execute(std::invocable auto &&func) { func(); }

    static constexpr auto require(Blocking::Always) {
        return Inline_executor{};

    constexpr auto prefer(Blocking::Never) {
        return *this;

    constexpr auto query(Blocking::Always) {
        return true;

    constexpr auto query(Blocking) {
        return blocking.always;

    auto operator<=>(const Inline_executor&) const = default;

auto require(Inline_executor e, Blocking::Never) {
    throw std::runtime_error("impossible.");
    return nullptr;

auto prefer(Inline_executor e, Blocking::Possibly) {
    return e;

int main() {
    // call static Inline_executor::require()
    auto ex = bsio::require(Inline_executor{}, blocking.always);

    // call ::prefer()
    auto ex2 = bsio::prefer(ex, blocking.possibly);
    ex2.execute([] { std::cout << "hi!" << std::endl; });

    // call Inline_executor::query
    std::cout << std::boolalpha << bsio::query(ex2, blocking.always) << std::endl;

    static_assert(ex2 == ex);
    static_assert(blocking.always == bsio::query(ex2, blocking));

一个 executor 是轻量级且类型安全的:

  • 轻量级意味着你可以随意使用值语义,即:copy 是廉价的
  • 类型安全意味着 executor 本身可以是携带 template 信息。这指的是,当没有所需的 property 时,会在编译期立刻发现(阻止);以及使得 execution context 并没有任何 template,这在 API 的简化上有很大帮助
  • 无论是 lightweight copyable executor 还是 non-templated execution context,都是提案为了简化泛型编程而做出的设计

bsio::require 接受一个 executor 和另一个用户需要的 property,返回一个有对应 propertyexecutor;在这里存在的细节是,bsio::require 如果发现不存在这样的 executor,那么会直接编译期阻止编译,而 bsio::prefer 则相对宽松,如果不存在,那么可以原样返回。

需要查询一个 executor 是否有这样的 property,或者对应的 property 具体是什么,可以调用 bsio::query() 来完成

这三个最关键的接口都可以做到编译时完成,即 constexpr,除非用户层定制的 executor 需要额外的运行时信息

这里可以留意到细节,用户层也有同名的 prefer/require/query。其实 bsio:: 库是调用用户层定义的函数来完成的:提案给出的是一种非侵入式的特性,它可以是成员函数,也可以是自由函数,或者是其它 namespace 下的同名函数,包括库内部已经实现好的 bsio::require

至于这个库为什么使用 bsio 这个命名空间嘛,别问为什么,问就是致敬

示例 2:hello world!!

前面的例子没怎么看出一个类型安全的 executor 是什么概念,那么在这个线程池使用示例的例子中进一步了解一下复杂的 executor 类型

#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
std::atomic<int> sum {0};
void cal(int i) {
    sum.fetch_add(i, std::memory_order_relaxed);

int main() {
    bsio::Static_thread_pool pool(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
    constexpr auto blocking = bsio::execution::blocking;
    constexpr auto relationship = bsio::execution::relationship;

    auto ex1 = pool.executor();
    auto ex2 = ex1.require(blocking.never);
    auto ex3 = ex2.require(relationship.continuation);
    auto ex4 = ex1.require(blocking.always);

    static_assert(ex2.query(blocking.never), "executor-2 must have a never-block property");

    constexpr static size_t TEST_ROUND = 100000;

    for(size_t i = 0; i < TEST_ROUND; ++i) {
        ex1.execute([=] {cal(1);});
        ex2.execute([=] {cal(1);});
        ex3.execute([=] {cal(1);});

    std::function<void()> recursive = [&, ex = ex3, r = std::make_shared<std::atomic<size_t>>()]() mutable {
        size_t v = r->fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
        if(v < TEST_ROUND) {
            sum.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_relaxed);
            // Greedy multishot
            if(v * v < TEST_ROUND) {



    std::cout << sum.load() << std::endl;

    return 0;

在这个例子中,不同的 executorex1 / ex2 / ex3 / ex4 都可能是完全不同的类型,因此一般的使用方式是靠 auto 推导

比如 ex3 可能是一个


类型,即把 property 都放到模板上,这样就可以完成 require 等接口的 constexpr 零开销实现(构造函数也需要 constexpr)。当然用户层也可以自定义返回非模板实例,这取决于你的设计选型


示例 3:Hello world!!!

#include <iostream>
#include "bsio.hpp"

int main() {
    static size_t recursive = 10;
    bsio::Static_thread_pool pool(2);
    bsio::dispatch(pool.executor(), [] {std::cout<<"x\n";});
    bsio::post(pool.executor(), [] {std::cout<<"xx\n";});
    bsio::defer(pool.executor(), [] {std::cout<<"xxx\n";});
    if(recursive--) {
    return 0;

这些接口(dispatch / post / defer)其实是为了迎合 asio 风格额外添加的,适用于大部分场合,提前打包而不必每次都 require 不同的 property


示例 4:custom executor

#include <iostream>
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
#include <thread>
#include <cassert>
#include <array>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include "priority.hpp"

int main() {
    Priority_execution_context context;
    auto ex = context.executor();
    // Lowest priority
    auto last_step_ex = bsio::require(ex, Priority{low_priority.value()-1});

    std::atomic<size_t> seq {0};

    // Higher priority has a smaller value

    std::atomic<size_t> low_seq_sum {0};
    std::atomic<size_t> normal_seq_sum {0};
    std::atomic<size_t> high_seq_sum {0};

    std::vector<std::thread> threads;

    constexpr size_t num_executor = 3;
    // Worker threads
    constexpr size_t num_worker = 10;
    // Background threads
    constexpr size_t num_bg = 2;
    constexpr size_t num_task = num_executor * num_worker * 1e5;

    auto update_seq_sum = [&seq](std::atomic<size_t> &ex_seq) {
        auto val = seq.fetch_add(1, std::memory_order_acq_rel);
        ex_seq.fetch_add(val, std::memory_order_acq_rel);

    std::thread background[num_bg];
    for(auto &&bg : background) {
        bg = std::thread {&Priority_execution_context::run, &context};

    auto task = [&, ex, ptr = std::addressof(context)] {
        auto low_ex = bsio::require(ex, low_priority);
        auto normal_ex = bsio::require(ex, normal_priority);
        auto high_ex = bsio::require(ex, high_priority);
        assert(bsio::query(high_ex, bsio::execution::context) == ptr);

        for(auto _ = num_task / num_executor / num_worker; _--;) {
            low_ex.execute([&] { update_seq_sum(low_seq_sum); });
            normal_ex.execute([&] { update_seq_sum(normal_seq_sum); });
            high_ex.execute([&] { update_seq_sum(high_seq_sum); });
    for(size_t thread_idx = 0; thread_idx < num_worker; thread_idx++) {
        std::thread {task}.detach();

    last_step_ex.execute([&] {
        // Stop background thread(s)
        constexpr double num_executor_task = num_task * num_executor;
        auto low_seq_avg = low_seq_sum / num_executor_task;
        auto normal_seq_avg = normal_seq_sum / num_executor_task;
        auto high_seq_avg = high_seq_sum / num_executor_task;
        std::cout << std::fixed;
        std::cout << "low-avg: \t" << low_seq_avg << std::endl;
        std::cout << "normal-avg: \t" << normal_seq_avg << std::endl;
        std::cout << "high-avg: \t" << high_seq_avg << std::endl;
        assert(high_seq_avg < normal_seq_avg);
        assert(normal_seq_avg < low_seq_avg);
        assert(seq == num_task);

    for(auto &&bg : background) bg.join();

property 是可以自定义的,这个例子通过定义一个优先级 priority 来实现具有任务优先级的线程池

示例 5:polymorphic executor

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"

struct Double_executor {
    void execute(std::invocable auto &&func) {
        if(blocking) {
            using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    auto operator<=>(const Double_executor &) const = default;

    bool blocking {false};

Double_executor require(Double_executor, bsio::execution::Blocking::Possibly) {
    return Double_executor{.blocking = true};

int main() {
    using namespace bsio::execution;
    using Executor = Polymorphic_executor<Directionality::Oneway, Blocking::Possibly>;
    Executor ex;

    bsio::Static_thread_pool pool(1);    
    ex = pool.executor();
    ex.execute([] { std::cout << "foo\n"; });

    ex = Double_executor{};
    ex = bsio::require(ex, blocking.possibly);
    ex.execute([] { std::cout << "bar\n"; });

    return 0;

由于类型安全的特性,不同的 executor 并不能用单一的类型来描述,这在非泛型编程中受到一定的限制。比如一个已有的框架中不可能为了一个 executor 而大幅改动将不含任何 template 的类为 template 实现,因此引入多态类在实用性上是有必要的

注意如果是对于一个 polymorphic executor 进行 bsio::prefer,且用户层并没有实现的话,那么会返回一个 cloned executor

示例 6:leader-followers

#include <functional>
#include <any>
#include <mutex>
#include "execution.hpp"

struct LF {
    LF(size_t threads): _pool(threads) {}

    void on_accept(auto f) {
        _accpet = std::move(f);

    void on_process(auto f) {
        _process = std::move(f);

    void stop() { _pool.stop(); }
    void wait() { _pool.wait(); }

    void start() {
        std::call_once(_first_check, [this] {
            if(!_accpet || !_process) {
                throw std::logic_error("You should first register callbacks");


    void start_leader() {
        auto ex = bsio::require(_pool.executor(),
        // Leader thread
        ex.execute([this, ex]() mutable {
            std::any ret = _accpet();
            // Promote a follower thread
            // to become the new leader
            ex.execute([this] {start_leader();});

    // Followers
    bsio::Static_thread_pool _pool;
    // Wait for event
    std::function<std::any()> _accpet;
    // Long-running task
    std::function<void(std::any)> _process;

    std::once_flag _first_check;

这里展示一个最简单的 leader/followers 模式,这种模式适用于简单的 per-thread 的改进。既不需要 queue 做生产者消费者中介,也不会因为任务提交切换线程而带来更多开销

示例 7:promise future

#include <iostream>
#include <chrono>
#include <cassert>
#include "execution.hpp"

int main() {
    bsio::Static_thread_pool background(1);
    auto executor = bsio::require(background.executor(), bsio::execution::directionality.twoway);
    std::future<void> future = executor.twoway_execute([] {
        std::cout << "Hi" << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Bye" << std::endl;

    std::future<int> guess_number = executor.twoway_execute([] {
        return 1926 & 817;
    std::cout << guess_number.get() << std::endl;

    return 0;

库内部也继承了标准库风格的异步 promise-future,支持返回接受任意类型。只需要使能 directionality.twoway

注意这种 property 属于 interface-changable property,就是说该 executor 只有 twoway_execute() 而没有 execute()

后者是 one way executor 使用,同时存在两个接口的话显然违反类型安全以及单一职责

示例 8:promise future continuation

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <optional>
#include <map>
#include <syncstream>
#include <chrono>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "Future/Future.hpp"

using Pid = size_t;

// Avoid out-of-order output in concurrent situations
void println(auto &&...args) {
    std::osyncstream cout(std::cout);
    (cout << ... << args) << std::endl;

struct Webpage {
    Webpage() = default;
    explicit Webpage(std::string url): _url(std::move(url)) {};

    std::string current() const { return _url; }

    bool login(const std::string &username, const std::string &password) const {
        println('[', username, "] login...");
        if(username == "jojo") return password == "I LOVE DIO";
        if(username == "dio") return password == "I LOVE JOJO";
        return false;

    std::vector<Pid> search_by_tag(std::string user_tag) {
        return _gallery[user_tag];
    static std::string home_page() {
        return "https://www.pixiv.net";

    // key: tag
    // value: pixiv pid (artworks/[pid])
    // example: https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/82818137
    inline static std::map<std::string, std::vector<Pid>> _gallery {
        {"R18", {74841722, 80315612, 76611510}},
        {"NTR", {82818137, 76595171, 96615810, 96812601, 87746247}}

    std::string _url;

void jitter() {
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

static Webpage connect(std::string username, std::string url) {
    println('[', username, "] connect...");
    return Webpage{url};

int main() {
    Then_execution_context context(std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
    auto ex = context.then_executor();
    assert(bsio::query(ex, bsio::execution::directionality.then));

    struct User_info {
        std::string username;
        std::string password;
        std::string tag;

    User_info jojo_info {
        .username = "jojo",
        .password = "I LOVE DIO",
        .tag = "NTR"

    User_info dio_info {
        .username = "dio",
        .password = "I LOVE JOJO",
        .tag = "R18"

    std::vector<User_info> pixivers {jojo_info, dio_info};
    for(auto user_info : pixivers) {
        ex.then_execute([user_info] {
            Webpage page = connect(user_info.username, Webpage::home_page());
            return page;
        .then([user_info](Webpage page) {
            println('[', user_info.username, "] is already connected to ", page.current());
            std::optional<Webpage> opt;
            bool ok = page.login(user_info.username, user_info.password);
            if(ok) opt = Webpage(page.current() + "/tag/" + user_info.tag);
            return opt;
        .then([user_info](std::optional<Webpage> tag_page) {
            if(!tag_page) throw std::runtime_error("401 ERROR: Unauthorized");
            println('[', user_info.username, "] is already opened ", tag_page->current());
            return tag_page->search_by_tag(user_info.tag);
        .then([user_info](std::vector<Pid> &&picture_pids) {
            std::osyncstream cout(std::cout);
            cout << '[' << user_info.username << "] gets pictures: [";
            for(auto &&pid : picture_pids) {
                cout << pid << ", ";
            cout << "...]" << std::endl;
            return nullptr;

    return 0;

很显然,标准库的 std::future 是不支持 continuation style 的(连 then 异步都不支持,多少有点残疾)

那么用 executors 库定义一下统一接口岂不是分分钟的事情

现在,在这个例子中存在 2 个执行流(jojo 和 dio)并发执行一个模拟网上冲浪的过程,并且 continuation style 下的实现能用近乎同步的方式描述异步流程

示例 9:stackful coroutine

#include <ranges>
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include "co.hpp"
#include "Co_executor.hpp"

int main() {
    auto ex = bsio::require(Co_executor{}, bsio::execution::mapping.other);

    Looper looper(ex);

    auto fibonacci = ex.execute([&](size_t n) {
        constexpr size_t shift = 2;
        constexpr size_t mask = 3;
        size_t table[2 + shift] = {0, 1};
        for(auto i : std::views::iota(shift, n + shift)) {
            table[i & mask] = table[i-1 & mask] + table[i-2 & mask];
            std::cout << "[fibonacci]-" << i-shift << ":\t" << table[i & mask] << std::endl;
    }, 7);

    auto stirling = ex.execute([&] {
        constexpr size_t table[] = {
            1, 3, 13, 75, 541, 4683, 47293, 545835, 7087261
        for(auto i : std::views::iota(size_t{0}, std::size(table))) {
            std::cout << "[stirling]-" << i << ":\t" << table[i] << std::endl;

    return 0;

这个例子展示有栈协程在 executors 库下的适配,这里简单点就展示斐波那契和斯特林数在协程下的交替求值过程

因为这个库里并不包含跨平台的网络基础设施,我没法直接展示 IO 相关的操作,虽然协程本身是适配了网络 IO。。。

示例 10:actor

#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <syncstream>
#include <string>
#include <chrono>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include "actor_framework.hpp"

constexpr bool verbose = false;
using Token = size_t;
constexpr size_t num_member = 100;
constexpr Token token = 1e5;
size_t num_thread = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();

class Member: public Actor {
    explicit Member(bsio::Static_thread_pool &pool): Actor(pool) {

    // call once
    void init_handler(Actor_address next /*message*/, Actor_address from) {
        _final = from;
        _next = next;

        if constexpr (verbose) {
            std::osyncstream cout(std::cout);
            cout << this << " init: [" << next << ", " << from << "]" << std::endl;

        // notify to receiver
        defer_send(Token{}, _final);


    void token_handler(Token token /*message*/, Actor_address ignored /*from*/) {
        std::ignore = ignored;
        // For verbose
        // Avoid concurrent and reordered output
        alignas(std::osyncstream) std::byte raw_out[sizeof(std::osyncstream)];
        std::osyncstream *pcout;

        if constexpr (verbose) {
            pcout = new (&raw_out) std::osyncstream(std::cout);
            *pcout << this << " receives token: " << token;

        if(token > 0) [[likely]] token--;
        Actor_address to = token ? _next : _final;

        if constexpr (verbose) {
            *pcout << ", to: " << to << std::endl;

        defer_send(token, to);

    Actor_address _next;
    Actor_address _final;

int main() {
    using Thread_pool_execution_context = bsio::Static_thread_pool;
    struct Single_thread_exeuction_context: Thread_pool_execution_context {
        Single_thread_exeuction_context(): Thread_pool_execution_context(1) {} 
    std::vector<Single_thread_exeuction_context> thread_pool(num_thread);
    std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Actor>> members(num_member);
    Receiver<Token> receiver;

    for(size_t idx = 0; idx < members.size(); ++idx) {
        members[idx] = std::make_unique<Member>(thread_pool[idx % thread_pool.size()]);
    // back() != front()
    assert(members.size() > 1);

    // In each iteration, receiver sends a member's address as a message to the next member
    for(size_t i = 0; i < members.size(); ++i) {
        // Finally construct a circular message ring
        size_t next = (i+1 == members.size()) ? 0 : i+1;
        send(members[i]->address(), receiver.address(), members[next]->address());

    // A synchronization point

    for(auto &&member : members) {
        send(token, receiver.address(), member->address());


    std::cout << "done!" << std::endl;

    return 0;

executors 也可以封装 actor 框架。这里展示一下任意 actor 数目的击鼓传花

示例 11:pipeline

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cctype>
#include "execution.hpp"
#include "property.hpp"
#include "pipeline_stream.hpp"

auto reader = [](Out<std::string> out) {
    for(std::string line; std::getline(std::cin, line);) {

auto filter = [](In<std::string> in, Out<std::string> out) {
    for(auto iter = in.pop(); iter; iter = in.pop()) {
        if(iter->size() < 5) out.push("***");
        else out.push(std::move(iter));

auto upper = [](In<std::string> in, Out<std::string> out) {
    for(auto iter = in.pop(); iter; iter = in.pop()) {
        for(auto &&ch : *iter) {
            ch = std::toupper(ch);

auto writer = [](In<std::string> in) {
    for(size_t count {}; ; ++count) {
        auto ptr = in.pop();
        if(!ptr) break;
        std::cout << 'L' << count << ": " << *ptr << std::endl;

int main() {
    // `pipeline_stream::make`: Create a pipeline factory
    // `pipeline_stream::done`: Create a static pipeline
    using namespace pipeline_stream;

    // Type anything from your keyboard...
    auto keyboard_process = make | reader | filter | upper | writer | done;

    // Press ^D

如果并发任务间的输入输出互有依赖,可以使用 pipeline 完成这个工作

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